Bunched wires having cross sections from 0.055 to 300 mm2 are produced by bunching a certain number of single end wires with certain diameters.
Regular Bunch: In regular bunch construction the respective wires do not have a defined position in the bunch cross section, the surface is irregular and the diameter and roundness varies.
Concentric Bunched Conductors: They have cross sections from 0,055 to 300 mm2 and are produced by bunching a certain number of single end wires with certain diameters to obtain a defined geometric arrangement with smooth and regular surface.
Concentric Geometric Arrangement of Concentric Bunched Conductors :
Unilay Concentric: There is one or more layers of wires (1+6, 1+6+12... etc.) around one single wire at the center. Each wire layer has the same lay length and direction.
Unidirectional Concentric: Lay directions of layers are the same but lay lengths increase from center.
Equilay Concentric : Lay lengths of layers are the same but lay directions are different.
Conventional, True Concentric : Lay directions of layers are different and lay lengths increase from center.